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Category: E-Commerce

Amazon’s Seller Identity Verification Process (1)

Understanding eCommerce Lawsuits: When a Brand Owner Files a Lawsuit Against an Online Seller

Understanding eCommerce Lawsuits: This article provides a comprehensive guide for online sellers on how to navigate potential lawsuits filed by brand owners. It covers the process of a lawsuit, the implications of temporary restraining orders (TROs), options for resolution, potential costs, and the consequences of ignoring such lawsuits. The piece emphasizes the importance of understanding trademark rights and the necessity of securing legal help to protect your interests and negotiate settlements.

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Who Filed The Patent First

Protect Your E-Commerce Designs: The Supplier vs. Seller Patent Race

In the competitive world of e-commerce sales, it’s crucial to have a strategy in place to protect your intellectual property rights. Learn about the risks of foreign suppliers filing patents first in “first-to-file” systems and the steps you can take to protect your designs and inventions, including preparing formal contracts and obtaining international patent protection.

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