Amazon neutral patent evaluation program
Amazon currently operates a program to deal with utility patent infringement through an arbitration process, to balance between the rights of complainants and sellers. Our
Amazon currently operates a program to deal with utility patent infringement through an arbitration process, to balance between the rights of complainants and sellers. Our
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Background to the change: Amazon was investigated by the Bundeskartellamt – the German independent competition authority. The investigation stemmed from complaints by sellers in Germany,
In the early 2000s they were called Cyber Squatters. Then came the Trademark Squatters.
Around twelve to thirteen years ago, clients would contact me and complain that someone had seized their domain (website) in China and registered it in their name.
You received an ominous letter from a trademark owner (or worse, from their legal representative), claiming that you have violated their protected registered trademark rights, by selling their product on Amazon.
You’ve probably already heard about Amazon’s new Brand Registry program, “Brand Registry 2.0”, which is supposed to be the answer to all brand violations on Amazon. While we still don’t know how efficient the program will be, we do know that it is no longer available to any seller.
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