Utility & Design Patent Registration and Consulting
Whether you are a seller who invented a brand-new product, a startup owner, or just someone with a novel idea, having a patent will help you to protect your invention and will provide you with many commercial opportunities.
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Secure Your Utility & Design Patent Now
Patents generally protect any new or useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition. Having a registered patent allows the owner to exclude others from making, using, selling, or offering to sell the invention described in the patent. However, a patent is not created simply by inventing a new (or improved) product. Unlike copyrights and trademarks, patent protection can only be obtained by filing a patent application in the country in which you wish to receive a patent. You will then receive approval of the application from the appropriate patent office. Amazon, and other e-commerce sites, will not protect your invention unless you have a registered patent. Once obtained, a registered patent can be a powerful tool to protect your product on Amazon, and other e-commerce sites.
The process for obtaining a patent can be complex and can differ from country to country. It is important to know the relevant laws that govern each country. Our patent attorneys are highly experienced professionals in all areas of patent law including, drafting, filing, enforcing, and developing the best patent protection strategy for your utility and design patents.
Let Us Help You
Ensure your unique designs and inventions are protected with our professional patent services—begin the process now!