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Category: Patents

How to get a patent pending on Amazon

How to Get Patent Pending on Amazon

This comprehensive guide outlines the process of securing a patent for Amazon sellers, highlighting the importance of intellectual property protection in the marketplace and the steps to obtain a patent pending status for your unique product or invention.

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Amazon’s Seller Identity Verification

Amazon’s seller identity verification process 101 – Sounds simple but is often famously frustrating!

Navigating the complex world of Amazon’s Seller Identity Verification (SIV) process can be overwhelming, but understanding the ins and outs of this crucial step is essential to successfully selling on the platform. Don’t let frustration and confusion derail your progress – we’re here to help. In our latest blog post, we dive deep into Amazon’s SIV process, outlining the key differences between US and EU verifications, offering practical tips for preparing in advance, and providing valuable insight into common triggers for verification.

Ready to streamline your Amazon SIV experience and maximize your selling potential? Read our expert guide to Amazon’s Seller Identity Verification Process now and unlock the secrets to a smooth and hassle-free experience. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain expert knowledge and take control of your Amazon seller journey. Click here to read the full article and start conquering the SIV process today!

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FAQ for Amazon Sellers

FAQ for Amazon Sellers: Trademark Registrations, IP Complaints, Misclassifications, Account Detail Changes, and Related Accounts

Selling on Amazon can be a great way to grow your business, but it also comes with its own unique challenges.
It is unfortunately not uncommon for Amazon sellers to receive IP infringement complaints, product misclassifications leading to the removal of their listings, or more serious issues such as “related account” suspensions.

Following a number of best practices and actively protecting your brand with IP registrations are good ways to reduce the chances of running up against these frustrating and often costly issues.
We have teamed up with our partners at Cabilly & Co. to answer some of the questions that Amazon sellers commonly ask us in relation to these topics. This article will provide you with valuable information and tips on how to avoid these issues and how to respond to them effectively if you do encounter them.

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5 Reasons Amazon Sellers Should Consider Filing a Design Patent Over a Utility Patent

5 Reasons Amazon Sellers Should Consider Filing a Design Patent Over a Utility Patent

In the highly competitive world of Amazon selling, protecting your unique product designs and innovations is crucial. While utility patents are commonly used to protect the functional aspects of a product, design patents offer distinct advantages in certain situations. In this article, we’ll explore five compelling reasons why Amazon sellers should consider filing a design patent over a utility patent. By the end of this article, you’ll understand how design patents can help you preserve your brand identity, expedite the patent process, save costs, enforce your intellectual property rights more easily, and provide complementary protection for your products.

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Who Filed The Patent First

Protect Your E-Commerce Designs: The Supplier vs. Seller Patent Race

In the competitive world of e-commerce sales, it’s crucial to have a strategy in place to protect your intellectual property rights. Learn about the risks of foreign suppliers filing patents first in “first-to-file” systems and the steps you can take to protect your designs and inventions, including preparing formal contracts and obtaining international patent protection.

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